Temple of San Antonio de Padua: tourist promoter of religious heritage

Keywords: San Antonio de Padua, Tourism, Architecture, Heritage, Aguascalientes


The temple of San Antonio de Padua in Aguascalientes is the most accomplished icon of eclectic architecture. It can be considered as one of the last Catholic buildings made in the architectural tradition of classical elements, however, also as one of the first to approach the industrial modernity of which it participated when the factory stage was inaugurated at the dawn of the 20th century that, It continues to be the platform for the development of Aguascalientes.

t is a church that brings together antithetical characteristics such as Neoclassicism and Baroque and exotic elements such as Byzantine bulbiform domes.

Methodologically, the work is part of a broader project on historical heritage that we are currently developing at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.

Some results: The temple is an urban landmark more recognizable by locals and outsiders; one of the most popular places for celebration masses and one of the most photographed settings in the city, occupying a prominent place among the most visited sites in the capital. Its heritage value is accessible to anyone who wants to know the passage of history through local architecture, a tourist setting from which the culture of Aguascalientes is accessed with the building as one of its main manifestations.

Thus, we conclude that the temple of San Antonio de Padua stands as a promoter of tourism, so our research represents a juncture for its dissemination and knowledge.


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How to Cite
López García, J. J., & Ramírez Villalpando, R. (2021, January 1). Temple of San Antonio de Padua: tourist promoter of religious heritage. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(1), 289-308. Retrieved from https://jthr.es/index.php/journal/article/view/255