Relevance of intermediary companies for the creation of tourism experiences. the study-case of Extremadura

  • Ana Moreno-Lobato Universidad de Extremadura
  • Elide Di-Clemente Universidad de Extremadura
  • José Manuel Hernández-Mogollón Universidad de Extremadura
Keywords: value chain, tourism experiences, tourism management, tourism intermediation


The application of the value chain and the creation of value in all links of the production process are essential for competitiveness in the market. Within these links, intermediation has not acquired as much relevance as promotion or design in its academic study in the field of tourism. Intermediation is defined as a relationship activity between producers and consumers. This task is essential in the creation of quality of services. Tourism scope supports the relevance of the creation of the value and the experience of service to cover the needs of the increasingly demanding tourists’ profile.

Through the study of primary and secondary sources, we seek to carry out an analysis of business typologies, their development and their potential for the creation of tourist experiences. These companies are classified by their activity within the intermediation (differentiating receiving companies and tour operators) according to the current regional regulations.

The results show the slight development of this sector, based on intermediation, resulting in a shortage of companies of each typology. The implications for the territory are centred on the need to promote companies that work in the intermediary task to create experiences in the region that value the resources and cover the needs of the demand by creating a quality and experiential tourism offer.


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How to Cite
Moreno-Lobato, A., Di-Clemente, E., & Hernández-Mogollón, J. M. (2021, January 1). Relevance of intermediary companies for the creation of tourism experiences. the study-case of Extremadura. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(1), 98-110. Retrieved from