Revalorization and visibilizatión of andean gastronomy through cultural tourism, case study: the pachamanca (pot earth)

  • Sonia Lorena Arellano Guerrón University of Girona
  • Dayané Mabel Arroyo Mera Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra
Keywords: Cultural Tourism, Gastronomic Tourism, Pachamanca, Ancestral Knowledge, Andean Cosmovision.


Three indigenous communities from the north of Ecuador, bet on the diversification of their services through the recovery and practice of an ancient cooking technique called Pachamanca (Pacha = earth, Manca = pot), cooking food in a hole dug in the ground , to later share the food through a pamba mesa (general table); an event that has become a new alternative for tourism development, achieving dynamism in the economy of the territories with the consequent improvement in the quality of life of its inhabitants.

The rural communities Angochagua, La Rinconada and La Magdalena, see in this practice an opportunity to recover, revalue their knowledge and strengthen their territories in order to satisfy the need of increasingly informed and demanding travelers. From a case study, with a qualitative approach, ancestral culinary knowledge is used as a tool to understand the synergy that is created between Andean cosmovision, cultural tourism, cultural identity and the good living of the people.

Author Biographies

Sonia Lorena Arellano Guerrón, University of Girona

University of Girona

Dayané Mabel Arroyo Mera, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra


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How to Cite
Arellano Guerrón, S. L., & Arroyo Mera, D. M. (2019, October 1). Revalorization and visibilizatión of andean gastronomy through cultural tourism, case study: the pachamanca (pot earth). Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(4), 1-23. Retrieved from