Memory and transformation: cultural tourism and community revitalization in Chipilo, Mexico

  • María del Carmen Navarrete Torres Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Cecilia García Muñoz Aparicio Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Olga Beatriz Sánchez Rosado Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: Chipilo, tradition, cultural tourism


Cultural tourism seeks to enter the stories of cities that allow them to understand and learn information about other cultures, in order to appreciate their identity and local traditions.

The town of Chipilo by Francisco Javier Mina, located in the state of Puebla, is a community with history, language, culture and a peculiar aspect, which arises from the conjunction of the countryside of northern Italy in the 19th century and the rural space of Mexico current. It is an Italian town in Mexico where there is a unique way of speaking in the world. It was founded more than 140 years ago and its inhabitants preserve the tradition and language almost intact, which is a dialect from the northeast of the European country, which resulted in the Veneto Chipileño with influences from the Spanish spoken in the country. Although, it is not recognized as an official variant,

Of the 4,500 inhabitants, 3,800 are direct descendants of the founders who emigrated from Italy, when the government of Porfirio Díaz sought to modernize the country, attracting European migration with new production techniques. The objective was to investigate the cultural and natural heritage of Chipilo. A documentary investigation was carried out. Conclusions. There is great tourist and cultural potential. rural tourism and hiking can be developed.


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How to Cite
Navarrete Torres, M. del C., García Muñoz Aparicio, C., & Sánchez Rosado, O. B. (2024, October 16). Memory and transformation: cultural tourism and community revitalization in Chipilo, Mexico. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(4), 27-39. Retrieved from