Cultural Syncretism: The Case of Migrants Dealing with a Conditioned Identity
Exchange, mixture, miscegenation, culture, identity, conquest, humanity, cultural diversity, traditions, and more are themes that could well fit into the same box, but each has its own history and particularity. We cannot deny that humanity has been shaped precisely through cultural exchange. However, due to its evolution, this cultural diversity has broadened its ideological paths and paradoxically has imposed and championed each one's own culture. This hinders the inclusion of cultural diversity and affects more than one sector of the population that may enter countries irregularly. In this work, we will focus on these migrants and how they transition from their original cultural framework to another one emanating from the destination country.
Our objective is to conduct an empirical analysis of how culture, identity, and migration can coexist and accept forming a parallel cultural identity, that is, a subculture to that of their country of origin. To this end, we will conduct a bibliographic review on specialized platforms and thus draw a conclusion where migrants possibly acculturate and/or build a subculture for themselves, but their roots and identities remain within each of them
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