Tourist events with territorial identity and tourism development. a comparative analysis between the regions of Setúbal (Portugal) and Extremadura (Spain)

  • José Antonio Folgado-Fernández Faculty of business Finance and Tourism. University of Extremadura
  • Paulo Nunes Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
  • Jesús Seco-González University center of Plasencia. University of Extremadura
Keywords: Tourist events, local identity, tourist destination, tourism development, international analysis


The research is financed by:

This study is one of the results of the Research Project derived from the granting of mobility scholarships to the teaching staff of the University of Extremadura in foreign centers of Higher Education and / or Research for the year 2018, which is funded by the Council of Education and Employment of the Regional Government of Extremadura, Spain.


The objective of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis including a selection of events with territorial identity in order to check their impact on local tourism development. To reach this goal, this paper analyses a sample of events with a strong place attachment in the regions of Setubal (Portugal) and Extremadura (Spain). The events involved in the research have been chosen on the basis of their impact, uniqueness, identity linked with the destination and target audience. Likewise, the selection was made considering those events with similar contents or subjects that would allow an international comparison.      
The methodology adopted consists in performing a deep analysis of secondary data about the different events, evaluating among other aspects, the number of editions celebrated, their popularity and dates, links with the local population, innovation or communication strategy and brand. 


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How to Cite
Folgado-Fernández, J. A., Nunes, P., & Seco-González, J. (2019, June 6). Tourist events with territorial identity and tourism development. a comparative analysis between the regions of Setúbal (Portugal) and Extremadura (Spain). Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(2), 382-402. Retrieved from