The procession of Santa Iria - a landmark of the cultural identity of the Municipality of Tomar

  • Paula Almeida TECHN&ART – Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • Marta Dionísio TECHN&ART – Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • Claúdia Pires da Silva TECHN&ART – Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • Célio Gonçalo Marques TECHN&ART – Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • João Tomaz Simões TECHN&ART – Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar


The present study aims to reflect on the involvement of municipal entities, along with all school groups and religious institutions in Tomar, in the effort to keep alive a centuries-old tradition, that of the procession to Santa Iria, as a way to honor and keep alive a "legend," which constitutes intangible cultural heritage. At this moment, there is a growing involvement of all actors in maintaining this unique landmark, which endures in the memory of the citizens of Tomar. 

Methodologically, our study will focus on interviews with various promoters of the procession, along with surveys to be conducted in the school groups, to listen to the younger population and their involvement in this annual event. The analysis of municipal policies and the impact of this event on the creation of a municipal cultural identity. 


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How to Cite
Almeida, P., Dionísio, M., Silva, C. P. da, Marques, C. G., & Simões, J. T. (2024, May 27). The procession of Santa Iria - a landmark of the cultural identity of the Municipality of Tomar. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 265-276. Retrieved from