E-commerce in travel agencies in the south-east of mexico through social networks
E-commerce today is basic for the sale of products and services, but above all in the field of tourism, has acquired a boom in travel agencies, which through their ads on social networks, get customers and if they give them a good service they become loyal to them which has contributed to the growth of tourism.
The south-southeast of Mexico is conformed by the states of states Campeche, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Quintan Roo, Tabasco, Veracruz and Yucatan (National Institute of Statistics and Geography, [INEGI], 2017). The objective of this research is to analyze the electronic commerce of travel agencies through social networks.
This research is qualitative because it is based on literature, through secondary sources, oriented towards the exploration, description and understanding of the phenomenon (Hernández, Fernández and Baptista, 2014); in this case the agencies, in which describe their characteristics and how they market their products on the web
It is concluded that many of the travel agencies have had to innovate their processes through social networks, creating their website and counting on their presence in networks such as facebook and instagram to be notifying the target public about tourism products both at the level national as well as international.
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