The tourist's perception of the management of Guanajuato cultural heritage destination
The management of tourist destinations must respond to global and local needs, which must be executed from a sustainable vision. This demand is joined by the cultural heritage cities in Mexico, which have a great responsibility: the preservation of the cultural wealth of their municipalities. The role of management is key to preserving the historical elements of the city and its popular culture and considering the space as a cultural producer without losing sight of the fact that these cities are part of the list of UNESCO world heritage sites, which also leads to the preservation of aspects that have been recognized for their exceptional universal value. The objective of this work is to know the results of tourism management in the city of Guanajuato, but from the perspective of the tourist, considering their motivation before the trip, their consumption during the trip, and their satisfaction after the trip.
The mixed methodology used is based on documentary analysis as a qualitative technique, which will observe the last three years of the tourists' analysis and their satisfaction after they visit the Mexican heritage city Guanajuato. This analysis is complemented with the application of a self-administered survey (quantitative technique) of tourists in the city of Guanajuato to know if it has the elements that attract and motivate the choice of cultural heritage destination and to know the degree of tourist satisfaction. The results, based on 453 respondents, indicate that the level of satisfaction is generally positive, although the ratings regarding cultural activities and their travel agenda do not clearly indicate enjoyment of the cultural heritage destination, but only a short, superficial stay in the city.
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