El chopo: more than a flea market, a scene of cultures and resistance
El Tianguis del Chopo is an alternative market that was established in 1980, in Mexico City. It is an urban public place that historically was made up of social groups with different interests and sociocultural backgrounds located in Colonia Guerrero. In the space, there are various sections: the cultural area, the sales area, the exchange area and the concert area where various urban young people (16-23 years old) gather. Within the universe of practices carried out at El Chopo are the buying and selling of music and clothing linked to different genres of rock, punk, heavy metal music, among others. The objective was to investigate the strategies and obstacles faced by the market until 2023, when it was declared a Cultural Heritage. A descriptive documentary investigation was carried out that aims to highlight characteristics of the object of study. It includes the review of historical sources, documents, journalistic chronicles, previous research and archives. It is concluded that it is a space where emerging artists have had the opportunity to make themselves known and share their works, in addition, it is an important point of reference in the country's capital, for the counterculture, alternative music, art and creative expression. The importance of the place in preserving cultural diversity and creating an active community of artists is highlighted. Technology and social media have been used to reach new audiences.
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