Tourism observatories as an intelligent tool for urban cultural tourism management. The case of a Coruña (Galicia, Spain)
Given an increasingly changing and dynamic environment, it seems necessary for the structuring and definition of tourism policies to be consistent with emerging realities.Therefore, it is of utmost importance to use accurate and up-to-date information as a reference point for the development of tourism activities. In this context, this research aims to present and analyze a practical case study related to a tourism governance structure, such as the tourism observatory of the city of A Coruña (Galicia, Spain), an urban destination located in the north of Spain. The methodology employed is documentary and descriptive, complemented by information gathered through various meetings and fieldwork outings. The initial study results have provided a more detailed understanding of the implementation of a tourism observatory in an urban destination with a predominantly cultural character. The findings confirm that a project of this nature is useful when the information obtained is concise, accurate, and reliable. Additionally, the involvement of both public and private stakeholders is crucial for its operation and success. Finally, it is noteworthy that one of the main challenges in extracting value from the data lies in its quality; thus, data processing is one of the most relevant phases, along with its correct interpretation, use, and dissemination.
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