Interpretation of the cultural heritage in sustainable tourism

  • Kekutt Elisa Tea Consultora - Argentina


Tourism action should not be restricted to passive visitation of property or heritage resources of a territory or locality; on the contrary, it should promote the valuation and preservation of the resource, for which it is necessary that the tourist entrepreneur and visitors take an active role and dynamic in the social, cultural and economic processes of the territory where such a resource exists, this is what patrimonial sustainability considers.

The real challenge of effective disclosure of heritage is not to devalue or banalize it but to make it an attractive resource. Transforming a heritage resource into a tourist attraction requires using all the tools available, to awaken the interest of the visiting public, to make the complex simple without losing the rigor; and developing the cultural product from environmental, economic and social sustainability and safeguarding the carrying capacity.

The interpretation of heritage. The advantages of using interpretation to put the heritage in contact with people who are enjoying their free time, interpretation should be a fundamental part in all curricula that


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How to Cite
Elisa, K. (2019, May 29). Interpretation of the cultural heritage in sustainable tourism. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(2), 308-318. Retrieved from