The cultural heritage of the Enaire Foundation: a proposal for the enhancement of its value for tourist use
The ENAIRE Foundation was created in 1994 – then, AENA Foundation – with the aim of developing cultural, educational and scientific promotion initiatives linked to airport and aeronautical activity. Today, the ENAIRE Foundation has continued to expand its activity with patronage programmes, publications, etc. It manages a large art collection, unknown to the general public, of almost 1,300 works by Spanish and Latin American artists of the 20th century.
The team managing the foundation is in charge of the two headquarters, Madrid (Arquería de los Nuevos Ministerios) and Santander (Las Naves de Gamazo), supervising the funds displayed in other facilities, and a prolific activity aimed at preserving and promoting research into aeronautical culture, supporting and disseminating artistic creation. Among its prizes are the Aeronautical Prizes, whose purpose is to reward research work with a significant contribution to air and space transport, and the Photography Prizes, whose subjects are free and whose aim is to promote this specialty of art, with the winning works becoming part of the ENAIRE Collection.
This paper helps to disseminate its value with a proposal for its tourism use in a permanent exhibit in the Museo de Arte Abstracto Español de Cuenca.
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