Religious tourism with the smell of guava: Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Calvillo, Aguascalientes, México, dedicated to the cultivation of guava, stands out for its tourist varieties: civil and religious architecture, gastronomy, and natural landscapes. Of the first, two farms draw attention: the Parish of the Lord of Salitre and the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe. While it is true the Parish attracts many parishioners, the Sanctuary has become a religious tourist reference. The state of the art in architecture with formal Gothic reminiscences at the international, national, and local levels has approaches from Geography, Regional History, History of Architecture, Theology, and History of Art. The objective of the work is to explain the importance of the Parish from a religious tourist architectural approach.
Methodologically, the research is part of a doctoral thesis that arises from a long-term study of architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.
First results: Of the 33 buildings with formal Gothic characteristics identified in the state, the Sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe (1945) is the most finished example. Starting from the traditional Latin cross plan, with a pointed dome in its transept, it boasts the façade and two towers for its bell towers with an eclectic local adaptation to Gothic conventions.
Pointed arches with lobed elements, the choir mullion, pilasters that simulate the bundles of columns, ogee arches, and the spires that stand on the profile of the temple with a characteristic smell of guava.
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