Determining factors for the development of genealogical tourism in Spain
The increase in genealogical practice in recent years has led to a greater interest in trips to destinations related to family origins. In this way, a type of tourism is taking shape - named genealogical tourism - has been traditionally linked to cultural heritage tourism. This issue has not been ignored by social and academic research, especially in countries that have undergone notable population movements throughout their history. Based on a situation analysis of this type of tourism, this paper compares the motivations and factors that influence genealogical tourists in the countries with the longest tradition in this type of tourism to analyse the possible similarities and differences existing concerning the Hispanic cultural sphere. From this comparative analysis, it is concluded that there is a potential market for genealogical tourists towards Spain and within the country itself, whose development will depend on economic and cultural conditions. This form of tourism should be considered an emerging tourist segment with great possibilities for developing and could also serve as an element of cultural links between Spain and other peoples.
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