Gender differences in cultural tourism route preferences. A case study applied to Madrid

  • Luis Rubio-Andrada Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • María Soledad Celemín Pedroche Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • María Lorenza Berlanga de Jesús Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Nadia Temli Romero Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


On a sample of 429 people, 241 women and 188 men, who were interviewed in the last four-month period of 2021, a mean difference and association test based on Cramer's V was carried out, depending on the scale on which the item was considered, on 34 questions referring to preferences about tourism in general and cultural tourism routes in the city of Madrid in particular. The results show statistically significant differences according to gender, in questions such as: the desire to travel and carry out tourist activities; use of the internet in the preparation of the trip and/or during the trip; personal interest in cultural issues; in the geographical area over which to carry out the routes; the people accompanying them on the cultural route; etc. On the other hand, no differences were detected in other items, such as: number of elements to be included in the route; expenditure to be made on the route; the availability of a support website; the use of an App; etc.

All this provides very relevant information for the design of cultural routes, not only for the reference case, but also for others that could be developed in the future. This is completely new because there is no previous work that considers gender as a determining element in the design of cultural tourist routes.


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How to Cite
Rubio-Andrada, L., Celemín Pedroche, M. S., Berlanga de Jesús, M. L., & Temli Romero, N. (2024, February 6). Gender differences in cultural tourism route preferences. A case study applied to Madrid. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(1), 87-106. Retrieved from