Spiritual and cultural tourism opportunities in the si thep district, Phetchabun, Thailand
This research delves into the complex spiritual and cultural tourism dynamics in Si Thep District. It explores the significance of this form of tourism and the interplay between tourist experiences, community involvement, sustainability practices, and destination promotion. The study establishes a foundation by examining the factors influencing spiritual tourism, including authentic experiences, cultural attractions, sustainable practices, and effective destination marketing. The study takes place in Si Thep District, a rich cultural and spiritual heritage locale. The research aims to determine the critical elements contributing to the success of spiritual and cultural tourism destinations. It uses a mixed-methods approach, including surveys, interviews, and on-site observations, to dissect visitor satisfaction, community perceptions, sustainability initiatives, and the impact of digital marketing on destination promotion. The findings highlight the critical role of community engagement in sustaining tourism. They shed light on the delicate balance between cultural preservation and tourism-driven development. Moreover, the study evaluates the environmental implications of tourism activities, offering insights into the efficacy of existing sustainability practices. It examines the influence of digital marketing channels, emphasising the importance of online presence in shaping tourists' perceptions and choices. The research also explores avenues for future growth, suggesting areas for infrastructure development, community empowerment, and crisis resilience. By synthesising these diverse elements, this research offers a nuanced understanding of the spiritual and cultural tourism landscape in Si Thep District. It presents practical implications for policymakers, local communities, and tourism stakeholders. The study invites future research avenues to enhance cultural tourism destinations' sustainability and resilience.
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