• María del Carmen Navarrete Torres Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Cecilia García Muñoz Aparicio Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Jenner Torrez Vázquez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


At the beginning of the 20th century, an urban and social transformation began in Mexico City. The sources of work and customs changed, as well as the places of recreation and entertainment. In this context, couple dance halls arise. Over the years, these venues have been public places that have contributed to cultural life. They are spaces for recreation and social cohesion where a dance community was formed that lasts to this day, even when most of them have closed their doors. Venues such as Mexico, Colonia, Los Angeles, Riviera, Margo42 and the León bar offered music and a unique experience. They were places where people could attend for the pleasure of dancing, with live music, where the possibility of enjoying themselves in a collective environment was offered, and the coexistence of different members of society was possible, but when coexisting established certain common models of representation. They danced Danzón, mambo, salsa among others. The objective was to analyze the Los Angeles Hall in order to promote dance halls and make them known as a cultural expression of a sector of society. Documentary research was carried out with a qualitative-descriptive approach, secondary sources were consulted. The importance of its contribution to Mexican cultural life, its relevance as a space for recreation and social cohesion is concluded. As well as the influence through the musical variety that is offered there.


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How to Cite
Navarrete Torres, M. del C., García Muñoz Aparicio, C., & Torrez Vázquez, J. (2023, June 30). DANCE ROOMS IN MEXICO AS AN EXPRESSION OF POPULAR CULTURE. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(3), 169-180. Retrieved from