• Mónica Pérez Sánchez Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Javier Casanoves Boix Universidad Internacional de Valencia
  • Agustín Ruiz Lanuza Universidad de Guanajuato


Knowledge of the new tourist profiles is necessary to optimize the responsible and sustainable management of tourist destinations, especially those that ensure the preservation of cultural identity: heritage cities. The objective of this work is to take advantage of digital marketing in the promotion of cultural identity and the Outstanding Universal Value of world heritage cities, to highlight their differentiation, and achieve its revaluation and preservation. The qualitative methodology includes interpretive netnography through content analysis on websites of government agencies and civil associations that ensure the conservation of cultural heritage. The results present the analysis of 23 websites, the formats and tools used, their advertising arguments and those related to preservation, but they do not highlight the differentiating characteristics that promote cultural identity, nor the promotion of the exceptional universal value of cities. It is suggested to expand the use of digital marketing and rethink the arguments in the promotion of world heritage cities to highlight the VUE before the demands of new tourists, and thus, reposition the cultural identity of destinations.



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How to Cite
Pérez Sánchez, M., Casanoves Boix, J., & Ruiz Lanuza, A. (2023, June 29). INBOUND MARKETING IN THE REPOSITIONING OF THE CULTURAL IDENTITY OF HERITAGE CITIES. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(3), 100-115. Retrieved from