Art, as defined by Leo Tolstoy is the “the activity by which a person, having experienced an emotion, intentionally transmits it to others”. The strong connection between geographic setting and the author’s experiences, triggers the imagination of the reader and the will to experience it thyself.
Some of literary works and authors that stimulated readers to travel, for example William Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon, promoted tourism and local development. Other artists and forms of Art also exert the same effect, César Manrique in Lanzarote with paintings, sculptures and architecture, or the book of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien reaching glory through the film Lord of the Rings promoting New Zealand.
Film-tourism or film-induced tourism is defined as any journey to a destination with the purpose of visiting a known film location. Not all film tourists are motivated in the same way, some are motivated by location, specific smaller areas, whereas other generalists visit regions or countries (Aylin Gürkaya, 2010).
The current study aims to develop 8 short movies from the Nobel’s prize Saramago literary work “Short memories of Azinhaga” where the author describes his birthplace and youth experiences. This work more than an audio-visual art expression aims to promote regional cultural tourism as a broad integrated regional tourism strategy.
The potential of these types of tourism for business and regional development, has yet to reach maturity. All types of tourism are ephemeral, as are films, therefore any drawn strategy contemplating such solutions needs regular reinventing to guarantee sustainability.
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