• investur investur +34 679218154
  • Margarita Rodríguez Falcón Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


The 21st century has been the gateway to new changes in all spheres of human life, which is immersed in the web of globalization and all that it implies. Human beings cannot avoid, be part of cultural, political, economic, social, technological, food, academic, religious transitions. The latter has been the subject of reflections from different fields of knowledge, thus, scholars of the social sciences, particularly economics, have been unraveling how religion is and has been a commodity with use and exchange value, lending the silver of Marx and like all areas of knowledge. Jeremiah 7:11 reminds us how, in the eyes of God, doing business inside and outside the churches was frowned upon. We want to think that this "thieves' den" in this 21st century has been transformed into merchants, vendors, dealers, on whom lies a socioeconomic discourse that possibly justifies this way of obtaining profits in the eyes of God, religions and society. Identifying how the society of the 21st century builds the arguments around trade around religions and in particular the Catholic religion is a priority here. But, in addition, knowing how these creeds are transformed is a commodity under which all kinds of religious representations are traded. To achieve this objective, the questionnaire will allow us to make the approximations that will account for these socioeconomic constructions.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, & Rodríguez Falcón, M. (2023, May 17). THE CATHOLIC RELIGION: AN AREA OF COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(2), 219-232. Retrieved from