• investur investur +34 679218154
  • J. Jesús López García Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes


With a semi-arid climate and difficult soil to cultivate, Aguascalientes, Mexico, became a place in America 400 years ago, cultivating vines for wine production. Acceptable fruit gave supply to Europeans, Creoles and mestizos settled in the area of mining prospecting and exploitation. Over time, the cultivation of grapes was preserved, and in the middle of the last century, there was a significant upturn in industrial wine production in line with the change in vocation of the region, which went from agricultural precariousness to economic mechanization.

Methodologically, the work is part of a long-term project on architectural heritage at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.

First results: This boom has given rise to a new taste for finding in the production of wines a way to position the state of Aguascalientes as a tourist-wine destination where ancient and recent architectures are establishing a regional atmosphere around this production. Farmhouses, new wineries and other productive spaces are, at the same time, places to stay for those want to appreciate the rudiments of winemaking along with tasting it in the midst of architectural environments from many eras, immersed in the valley's countryside of Aguascalientes.

The foregoing constitutes spaces in which the practicality of the wine industry establishes a calm environment for a visitor to a territory characterized by its accessibility and social calm, achieving this renewal of the vine, progress and reaffirmation of local identity. 


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How to Cite
investur, investur, & López García, J. J. (2023, April 19). ARCHITECTURE OF THE WINE ROUTE IN AGUASCALIENTES. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(2), 128-145. Retrieved from