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  • Francisco Sánchez-Cubo Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • José Luis Sánchez-Ollero Universidad de Málaga
  • Elisa Isabel del-Cubo-Arroyo Universidad de Málaga


In an increasingly ageing society, it seems obvious to think about the needs of the elderly. In the field of tourism, this includes adapting products to their consumption needs. These investments are usually considered appropriate as long as the purchasing power of this group is assumed to be high. However, few studies have analysed this assertion quantitatively. Thus, this study analyses, using 2019 data from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics, the potential consumption of this type of tourist from a spending perspective. For this purpose, descriptive and inferential analyses (multinomial logistic model) were performed to identify the variables influencing spending according to its level. Among the many results stand out the positive influence of socioeconomic factors, the negative effect of the size of the municipality of residence, and the non-statistical significance of the sex of the individual.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, Sánchez-Cubo, F., Sánchez-Ollero, J. L., & del-Cubo-Arroyo, E. I. (2023, April 18). MEASURING THE ELDERLY’S TOURISM CONSUMPTION FROM A STUDY OF THEIR EXPENDITURE. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(2), 121-127. Retrieved from