• investur investur +34 679218154
  • María Liliana N. Herrera Albrieu Universidad Nacional de La Rioja-UNLaR


Cultural identity is considered to be a set of values, beliefs, traditions, customs, symbols, etc. that provide the people of community with a sense of belonging and enable joint treatment between them. These sociocultural manifestations that characterize and distinguish a community are in constant change thanks to the rescue, value, significance, etc. that each generation grants him. The purpose of this work is to describe certain manifestations of cultural identity that take place in the Province of La Rioja, Argentina, which have been rescued by government policies, particularly since the pandemic and continue. The actions are promoted to value and preserve both tangible and intangible heritage. Likewise, they are oriented to “the generation of resources and sources of work, under the premise of sustainability and the defense of their heritage…”. Those that are linked, in turn, with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030, agreed by the United Nations. Of the bread implemented in this regard, the actions stand out, for example, related to the development, consolidation and investment in more than 30 popular festivals throughout the province to tern them into competitive tourism products, the “Support and promotion of the private sector of tourist services and cultural industries for the expansion and diversification of the offer, generating a greater number of jobs”, among others. Although the statistical data are still incipient, they are valuable when making a balance with respect to the development of the Riojan populations.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, & Herrera Albrieu, M. L. N. (2023, April 3). STRENGTHENING OF CULTURAL IDENTITY IN THE PROVINCE OF LA RIOJA, ARGENTINA. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(2), 63-82. Retrieved from