• investur investur +34 679218154
  • Beatriz Pérez Sánchez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


Mexican hotel chains arose in a context of expansion of international tourism and the insufficient supply of hotel establishments, on the one hand, and on the other, thanks to the post-war economic and social boom in the United States and the proximity of Mexico for travel and tourism that increased demand. Objective: to know the characteristics and competitive strategies that allowed the hotel groups: City Express and Grupo Posadas to become successful economic hotel groups, identifying their business units, size, structure, and alliances. Methods: historical and analytical methods are used. The research is of a documentary type with a descriptive scope, it is supported by secondary sources of information. Results: in Mexico, the strategies of the economic groups or hotel chains position Grupo Posadas and City Express, in first and second place.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, & Pérez Sánchez, B. (2023, March 20). STRATEGIES OF ECONOMIC GROUPS OR HOTEL CHAINS: CITY EXPRESS AND GRUPO POSADAS. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(1), 385-396. Retrieved from