potential offered by this environment. However, the development of new tourism products supported by the digital environment can be seen as an opportunity to promote these products and thus be able to distribute the burdens generated by tourism activity more equitably throughout the territory; developing sustainable practices that consider the economy, the environment, and the local population (Secretaría de Estado de Turismo, 2019). Despite the research carried out in recent years and the commitment shown to develop a sustainable tourism model, real progress in tourism is, in many places, very scarce (Pulido -Fernández et al., 2015). Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to analyze tourism organizations in rural areas of the Community of Madrid (CAM) and their relationship with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In order to achieve the objectives, a quantitative analysis has been carried out through a structured questionnaire of closed questions, which analyzes the sustainability of the organizations taking into account the three dimensions that compose it and the level of ICT knowledge of the professionals of the tourism sector in the areas under study. Thus, this work is of great relevance and importance for academia and professionals in the tourism and transport sector in the territory.
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