• investur investur
  • Blanca García-Henche Universidad de Alcalá
  • Pedro Cuesta-Valiño Universidad de Alcalá
  • Concepción Díaz de Villegas Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Dirección General de Comercio y Hostelería
  • Patricia Durán-Álamo Universidad de Alcalá


Small businesses make little investment in technological tools (digital marketing, social networks, etc.) at a general level, which does not allow them to compete at a technological level with the GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple), although it can compete in quality, authenticity, closeness, and service. In this situation, it seems appropriate to investigate specific cases of the digitalization of small businesses, also analyzing the role of public institutions in supporting the digitization of small businesses as an instrument of economic and social sustainability. This study will work on the descriptive analysis of a unique project carried out by the Madrid City Council: the program TODO ESTÁ EN MADRID, an ambitious digital project aimed at facilitating the promotion of all the commercial, hospitality, hotel and service offers of the city and the digitalization of all establishments that want to join the program.  To carry out this research, a methodology that combines qualitative and quantitative techniques is proposed. Interviews have been organized with some of the most prominent entrepreneurs and small independent retailers, as key informants and with retail-related institutions in the city. In addition to these qualitative techniques, a descriptive study will also be carried out with the data sources of the program, its website and its social networks. The results show how the program helps the digitization and visibility of small businesses in the city, reducing that digital divide and favoring investment in digital marketing tools in small businesses.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, García-Henche, B., Cuesta-Valiño, P., Díaz de Villegas, C., & Durán-Álamo, P. (2023, February 15). TODO ESTÁ EN MADRID: A GEOREFERENCED DIGITAL GUIDE AND ONLINE COMMERCE AGGREGATOR OF ALL COMMERCE, HOSPITALITY AND SERVICES IN MADRID. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(1), 143-157. Retrieved from