• investur investur
  • Víctor Hugo Morales Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral
  • María Angélica Mercado González Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral
  • Graciela Elvira Tello Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral
  • Leonardo Fabián Hernández Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral


In the southwest of the Argentine Austral Patagonia is the town of Río Turbio, located 5 km. from the border with Chile and that presents various sites of tourist interest (Ski slope, area of ​​the former Mine 1 of a coal mining operation, Walk of sculptures, area of ​​the San José dam, etc.). The objective is to study one of the most important aspects to keep in mind, which is the Safety of Tourism workers, visitors and tourists.

A methodology is proposed that, based on the identification of the dangers associated with the various activities, allows us, by way of diagnosis, to evaluate the potential risk and, based on these results, recommend the corresponding Prevention measures.

Considering adequately the aspects of Risk Prevention (Safety) in Tourism places will allow us to offer tourists the enjoyment of a pleasant and safe experience and Tourism workers a safe place to avoid accidents and professional illnesses.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, Morales, V. H., Mercado González, M. A., Tello, G. E., & Hernández, L. F. (2023, January 9). SAFETY ASPECTS IN SITES OF TOURIST INTEREST IN RÍO TURBIO, SOUTHERN PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(1), 24-33. Retrieved from