• investur investur
  • Ana Bertha Vidal Fócil Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Dalila de Asís Rueda Vázquez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


The purpose of this research is to explore all the potentialities that exist in the municipality of Comalcalco, Tabasco. Mexico; It is a town that has approximately a population of 201,654 inhabitants, it is one of the most complete municipalities that there is to promote the tourist potential it has. It majestic events are of crazy magnitude, national and international. Its gastronomy has indigenous origins, commonly known in the state of tabasco as “Chontales”, and they begin to promote their culinary activity through reports in some restaurants with 8 thousand tons of the 18 thousand that is produced throughout the state. The chocolate Awards, held in London, England. Despite being considered a place with beautiful women, it has only had 4 ambassadors who have been the golden flowers; the municipality also stands out for its archaeology of Mayan origin. It has legends and myths, as well as characters that at each stage social, political, cultural and economic development have given it its own stamp or identity.

That is why it is necessary to further promote this place, which is at a distance of approximately 54 kilometres from the state capital. 12 thousand tourists are what each year come to this municipality, of European an American origin. Given importance, also in popular festivals, it is well worth promoting this whole range of attractions.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, Vidal Fócil, A. B., & Rueda Vázquez, D. de A. (2022, November 23). THE GREAT TOURIST ATTRACTIONS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF COMALCALCO, TABASCO. MÉXICO. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(3), 269-276. Retrieved from