Management of cultural tourism, local development and social networks: an analysis of two brazilian cities
The present work, the result of a postdoctoral research project, comprising cultural tourism as an economic activity capable of contributing to local development, presents an innovative approach that aims to investigate in two Brazilian cities, Cachoeira, located in the Recôncavo Baiano, and Ouro Preto, in Minas Gerais, the role of the State in the development of cultural tourism in urban spaces recognized as holders of significant historical and cultural heritage. By taking as a methodological procedure the survey of secondary information and direct research, using the technique of "Snowball", in which, successively, one actor indicates another participant, it was aimed to know the profile of the cultural tourism organizations of each one of these towns, its difficulties and evaluations of the performance of public authorities (Federal Government, States and Municipalities). Through the analysis of social networks and the use of Gephi's degree centrality metrics, an open source platform for visualization and manipulation of dynamic and hierarchical graphs, it was possible to identify the main partners of the network agents of the cultural tourism organizations in Cachoeira and in Ouro Preto. The study carried out in the two urban spaces served to indicate that in Brazil, even in historical cities considered national or world heritage, cultural tourism may not be perceived and treated as a priority by local managers. In addition, it allowed us to point out ways in which organizations operate in cultural tourism networks, which can bring favorable contributions to the achievement of new levels of local development.
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