• María Belén Brito Bono IES Juan A. Fernández Pérez (MEyFP)
Keywords: multiculturality, interculturality, touristic resource, cultures,, cultural tourism


Melilla is peculiar in a wide variety of senses and such peculiarity can be taken advantage of to foster tourism. It is essentially a multicultural town, a Spanish borough in the north of Africa where everyday life takes on characteristics that appear out of the ordinary to outsiders but are commonplace for the locals. It has various live cultures, some of them, such as the Amazigh from the Rif region, rooted in the surrounding area. Such confluence, with each culture following their own daily customs, takes place nowhere else in the world. Multiculturality is an important touristic resource which in Melilla is combined with Interculturality, making the town ́s peculiarity even more interesting. All this can be analysed and researched, although not without some difficulty, since previous works on the subject are few and usually focused on only one culture, often obviating the multiculturality.

On the other hand, there are two main reasons that lead us to study this touristic resource in- depth in order to seek its promotion. The first has already been mentioned, Melilla ́s singularity; the second is the importance of encouraging tolerance and respect for diversity. Both imply counting on an exceptionally attractive resource for the potential tourist and a way to stand out in the field by specializing in this kind of sociocultural tourism. Our goal, therefore, is to make the town ́s singularity widely known and offer a touristic product based on multiculturality as a resource


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How to Cite
Brito Bono, M. B. (2022, March 16). MELILLA, A BIT MORE THAN 12 SQUARE KILOMETRES OF SINGULAR MULTICULTURALITY AND INTERCULTURALITY. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(1), 255-282. Retrieved from