• Marta Rico Jerez Doble Cero Consultores-Comunicación y Formación,
  • Carmen Hernando Vivar Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: tourism marketing, types of marketing, strategies of marketing, post pandémica tourism, tourism evolution


Tourism is one of the economic sectors that contributes the most money to Spain ́s GDP. Hence, it was considered important to analyze how the marketing was a fundamental instrument for its reactivation after the pandemic, This was done with a qualittive methodology based on an exploratory analysis, an explanatory analysis and a descriptive analysis.

Exploratory analysis was used to identify the types and strategies of marketing, as well as for knowing in depth the communication stratategies and the technologies applied. However, the explanatory analysis had as objective to determine as the pandemic influenced in the behaviour of Spanish tourists.

In relation with the longitudinal descriptive, it helped us to know the evolution of Spanish tourism since the pre-pandemic period to the post-pandemic period.


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How to Cite
Rico Jerez, M., & Hernando Vivar, C. (2022, January 1). MARKETING AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR REACTIVATE TOURISM IN SPAIN AFTER PANDEMIC. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(1), 165-190. Retrieved from