Historically the culture of Cienfuegos, as well as its heritage; They have been a reason for the trip of many of the tourists and travelers who visit the city. This behavior has been accentuated with the subsequent declaration of the Historic Center of Cienfuegos as Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The knowledge and study of the segmental potentialities of Cultural Tourism in the province of Cienfuegos, as well as the cultural resources that each of them can contribute to the development of this modality of tourism is part of the doctoral research whose research topic is Tourism Cultural.
The present work aims to show the potential of Cultural Tourism in the province. We use the design of our own methodology that implies the particularities of Cienfuegos given the lack of previous reference studies. Primary sources and external sources were used in its design. We use several methods such as the logical method, the historical method, the dialectical, the analytical, the synthetic, modeling and measurement.
The result of the research presented here is a partial result as there is much to be investigated in a virgin field for research and researchers.
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