The recovery of the historical heritage is one of the priorities of both the public and private sectors, as it is an essential exercise in the promotion and development of cultural tourism in cities.
Thus, the use of both catalogued and declared buildings of cultural interest has become widespread in the creation of boutique hotels, as a way of differentiating the hotel offer in the face of standardisation.
In the case of Palma de Mallorca, we have witnessed a rapid growth of this type of accommodation which has revived the economy of certain areas of the centre, which were previously largely degraded, contributing substantially to its recovery not only for cultural tourism but also for the resident population.
The descriptive and documentary analysis carried out allows us to understand the extent of the phenomenon of heritage use and reuse by this type of establishment.
This utilization of the existing heritage has direct repercussions on its appreciation, both in terms of the recovery of the space of identity by the residents, and in terms of the better experience of the visitors, both of which support in a very marked way the use of these spaces and their changes of use, thus promoting reuse and as a consequence sustainability in the central areas of the tourist spaces.
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Anhar, L. (2001). The definition of boutique hotels. Recuperado de
Blanco-Romero, A., Pons, G., Blazquez Salom, M., Navalón-García, R., & Troitiño Torralba, L. (2020). La sostenibilidad turística a debate. (S. d. Balears, Ed.) Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears. Recuperado de
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Campo, L. d., & Arreortua, L. A. (2017). Gentrificación comercial. Espacios escenificados y el modelo de los mercados gourmet. Revista de Urbanismo(37), 1- 12. Recuperado el 6 de 1 de 2021, de
Cano de Mavuvesín, J.M. (2005). Turismo Cultural. Editorial Almuzara. Córdoba.
Cordero, J. y Meneses, C. (2015). La resignificación del patrimonio cultural en el centro histórico de Guanajuato. La apropiación material y simbólica por los habitantes y gentrificadores. Pragma, espacio y comunicación visual, 13, 17-29.
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Dirección General de Turismo de las Illes Balears. (22 de Diciembre de 2020).Recuperado de Catàleg Dades Obertes GOIB:
Drewer, P. (2005). Key Note Market Report Plus: Hotels, 20th ed., Key Note: Hampton.
Fortich Mesa, N. (2013): “¿Revisión sistemática o revisión narrativa?” Ciencias y salud virtual, 5 (1): 1-4. h t t p s: / / d o i. o r g/ 1 0. 2 2 5 1 9 / 2 1 4 5 5 3 3 3
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García Canclini, N. (1999): “Los usos sociales del patrimonio cultural”, en Patrimonio etnológico. Nuevas perspectivas de estudio. Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, Sevilla.
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Campo, L. d., & Arreortua, L. A. (2017). Gentrificación comercial. Espacios escenificados y el modelo de los mercados gourmet. Revista de Urbanismo(37), 1- 12. Recuperado el 6 de 1 de 2021, de
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