In Tepatitlán de Morelos, a medium size city in Jalisco state (Mexico), the cult to El Señor de la Misericordia (Lord of Mercy) has its origins since mid nineteen century and it has survived through time, causing pilgrim travel and religious tourism. Although the pilgrimages have changed, they have developed and increased. This amount of people whom comes by faith, also visit heritage elements such as the Sanctuary and the different churches, within the festivities such as liturgical and cultural celebrations. Those situations generate a strong bond between the residents and the pilgrims with the built and intangible heritage, also causes some, both, positive and negative effects like the trivialization of the festivity and often loss of the sense in holy celebrations.
This article aims to analise the historical evolution of pilgrimages and assess the role of architectural heritage and the religious cults have had in their development (1839-2019). It also seeks to name and differentiate religious tourism and pilgrimage tourism, to identify which one has had or continues to have the greatest impact on the city as in the territory. The work develops with a qualitative research and a descriptive approach.
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