Identification of demand for wine tourism activities

  • María Elena Robles Baldenegro Universidad de Sonora
Keywords: demand, consumer, winemakers, wine tourism


One of the fastest growing tourist activities is wine tourism. It can even be said that, to date, it is one of the activities with the greatest relationship between culture and the economy; mainly those found in rural areas. On a global scale, territories are internationally identified as world-class winemakers, with this, their relationship with wine tourism activities is closely related. There are territories that are exploring options

of economic diversification through the establishment of wine incipients in localities without any roots or previous experience in the activity. At the same time and as a result, ecotourism is also not visualized as an activity complementary to the production of wine.

The scenario described is proper to describe the condition in which the development of wine tourism is located. Although, there is data that strengthen the proposal that the consumption of wine is becoming, in an option on the part of the consumer, very few studies allow to project the possible demand for the wine tourism activity itself, that is, of an ecotourism product.

Recognizing the above, the main objective of this research was to identify the existing demand for a tourist product known as: wine tourism, by potential consumers. An information capture tool was designed and implemented online.

It turns out that the demand for wine tourism activities in Sonora, projects a high possibility of acceptance by the consumer and as a result, wine-growing areas can be positioned at national and international levels.


Organización Internacional de la Viña y el Vino. (2017). Balance 2017 de la OIV sobre la situación vitivinícola mundial. Organización Internacional de la Viña y el Vino.
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OMT. 2019. Organización Mundial del Turismo.

Robles, M. E., & Robles, M.. (2018). Análisis de la potencialidad del enoturismo en la
zona norte de México. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research , 1(2), 57.
How to Cite
Robles Baldenegro, M. E. (2021, July 1). Identification of demand for wine tourism activities. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(3), 70-79. Retrieved from