The Tinkunaco. Popular religious celebration riojana (Argentina). An approach to cultural tourism

  • María Liliana N. Herrera Albrieu UNLP
Keywords: tinkunaco, popular religious celebration, cultural tourism


The present work is oriented to describe a popular religious celebration deeply rooted in the Riojan people of the Argentine Republic, which is repeated annually, on December 31 at 12 noon. The Diaguita people inhabited the current territory of La Rioja, when the Spanish conqueror Juan Ramírez de Velasco arrived and founded the Ciudad de Todos los Santos de la Nueva Rioja, on May 20, 1591. The Diaguitas were subjected to mistreatment, harassment and other cruelties by the Spanish authorities, until in 1593 they decided to rise up and attack the city. When they were about to attack the Spanish fort, Fray Francisco Solano appears, who manages to appease the natives and seal the peace. Later, the Jesuits, before the deep mark that this event had left in the population, take "the elements of the event that occurred and turn itinto a religious ceremony" (Estrabou, Hebe/2018c) . They proposed “the image of a Child Jesus, approximately eight years old, dressed as a Spanish mayor, but with certain Andean attributes to translate the authority of Christ to the natives, and gave rise to the religious celebration in which Hispanic and indigenous rituals coexist.” (Estrabou, Hebe/2018d) . This celebration generates the participation of the inhabitants of the City of La Rioja, residents of other parts of the province and neighboring provinces.


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How to Cite
Herrera Albrieu, M. L. N. (2021, April 1). The Tinkunaco. Popular religious celebration riojana (Argentina). An approach to cultural tourism. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(2), 373-391. Retrieved from