The application of integrated marketing in accesible tourism

  • Raquel Ayestarán Crespo
  • Marta Rico Jerez
Keywords: Integrated marketing, integrated marketing accesible tourism, accesible tourism


Accesible tourism is an increasingly important market for destinations. Therefore, the objective of this research has been to discuss the implementation of the integrated in accesible tourism marketing. This has allowed us to determine the level of involvement of public and pirvate entities in its dissemination, what  has led us to conclude that only PREDIF and the ONCE Foundation apply the integrated marketing. The rest of the involved entities do not make any kind of promotion. In the same way, we found that the integrated marketing applied to accesible tourism is ineffective due three reasosns. The first of them the inaccessibility of most of the websites, the second the lack of infomrmation about the level of accesibility of the destination and the third, inaccuracies in information about accesiblility at the destinations.

Author Biographies

Raquel Ayestarán Crespo

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Marta Rico Jerez

Doble Cero Consultores-Comunicación y Formación

How to Cite
Ayestarán Crespo, R., & Rico Jerez, M. (2018, December 30). The application of integrated marketing in accesible tourism. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 1(4), 53-79. Retrieved from