Análisis de la competitividad y el ciclo de vida turística de Guanajuato capital

  • Omar Trejoluna Puente Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Carlos Virgen Aguilar Universidad de Guadalajara



The competitiveness and the life cycle of the tourist activity in Guanajuato, as in most of the tourist destinations; Have focused their efforts for decades on maximizing income and the number of overnight stays, in search of the economic profitability of scale; with the derived objective of achieving the largest possible market share in a poorly segmented demand environment.

The central objective of this work is to analyze the competitiveness of a mature destination and the need to establish new ideas, using a deductive method to carry out this study, emphasizing the theoretical model for explanation and abstraction from a general premise to obtain conclusions of a particular case. Documentary research was used, in order to have a solid foundation. A bibliographic and hemerographic review was carried out, mainly of those writings, publications and official documents that supported the research, in addition to a thorough review of the information from the Tourism Observatory of the State of Guanajuato and specifically of the results of the tourist activity from the city of Guanajuato.

Keywords: Competitiveness, Life Cycle, Tourism, Guanajuato


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How to Cite
Trejoluna Puente, O., & Virgen Aguilar, C. (2020, October 1). Análisis de la competitividad y el ciclo de vida turística de Guanajuato capital. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(4), 73-87. Retrieved from