Assessment of the water cleaning service that circulates through the mangroves of the Santay-Ecuador island
This article takes as a framework the Santay island located in front of the city of Guayaquil-Ecuador. The same that represents for the city a wetland of international relevance RAMSAR and that due to lack of maintenance has lost over time the recognition of its importance, evidenced in the number of visits. The objective is to find the value of the service that Santay Island provides, in the topic of water cleaning and in this way optimize this national and international recreation site. The methodology is based on bibliographic information, with a positivist approach. The identification of the variables was obtained through conclusive descriptive research, using quantitative and qualitative research tools. The results indicate a valuation of the island, for the existence and cleaning of water, for $ 18 million. The collection of data from approximately 20 bibliographic references serve for the valuation of the site by those in charge of conserving the site, both public and private.References
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