Reactivation of cultural activities in the Centenario Park of Guayaquil as a tourism development strategy

  • Judith Genoveva Quelal Mora Universidad de Guayaquil
Keywords: Cultural activities, park, centenary, tourism, Guayaquil


This article aims to show the importance of reviving cultural activities in the Centennial Park of the city of Guayaquil, which represents for the city an important symbol of its cultural identity for its 14 monuments that symbolize history, justice and heroism and it constitutes the largest concentration of artistic goods in the neoclassicist style of Guayaquil; however, it has lost over time the knowledge of its importance, so it has been considered in this research to analyze the motivations and preferences of the visitor to improve the conditions of attractiveness. The data obtained is argued through the application of historical-logical and analytical-synthetic methods, the technique of interviewing authority and surveys of a sample of 100 visitors who determined their expectations and recommendations for improvement. The results of the study show little knowledge of the heritage value of the Centennial Park because there are no activities that foster historical relevance and its meaning. The conclusions of this study indicate that, if more possibilities of activities were opened, visitors would go to the park, for the benefit of cultural tourism.

Author Biography

Judith Genoveva Quelal Mora, Universidad de Guayaquil

Facultad de Administración


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How to Cite
Quelal Mora, J. G. (2020, April 1). Reactivation of cultural activities in the Centenario Park of Guayaquil as a tourism development strategy. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(2), 425-440. Retrieved from