Cordoba & sepharad :jewish cultural heritage management in Cordoba

  • Patricia Téllez Francisco Facultad de Turismo y Finanzas, Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Cultural tourism, Cordoba, Jewish cultural heritage, Sepharad


After more than tweenty decades of jewish cultural heritage management in Spain, a wide range of actions and sources have been made. These efforts not only help the safeguarding of these sephardic legacy’s material remains but also they come as a complement for the cultural tourism. This has aroused great interest for the local development enhancing its offer of cultural activities as well as the attraction of a more specific target group in search of their origins in Sepharad.


The study of these initiatives for the management of this heritage in cities like Córdoba, with an abundant jewish legacy, is crucial. The current investigation analyses the cultural touristic offer dealing with the jewish heritage in the city. The objetives are the understanding of the processes of the heritage selected elements, the participation of the social agents inheritors and holders in them as well as the perceptions of the involved stakeholders in order to set the basis of a debate concerning the implementation of a propper management of the jewish cultural heritage in Córdoba


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How to Cite
Téllez Francisco, P. (2020, February 29). Cordoba & sepharad :jewish cultural heritage management in Cordoba. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(1), 279-301. Retrieved from