Vidanta: an economic group of national capital

  • Beatriz Pérez Sánchez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Ana Bertha Vidal Fócil Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: Economic Group, Strategies, Tourism


Capital is essential for the development of any productive activity, and when it comes to tourism infrastructure, direct foreign investment means an expansion of national capital, which is why many transnational consortiums operate in Mexico. However, national capital is the economic base and it is the economic groups that support it; they have ventured into different activities that include tourism, industrial groups, commerce, or services; but there are also companies dedicated to tourism that evolved, until becoming an economic group. The case of the Vidanta economic group, one of the main developers of hotels and tourist centers in Mexico, is particularized. The objective of the work is to identify and analyze the characteristics and competitive strategies that allowed GrupoVidanta to become an economic group, identifying: its size, structure, acquisitions and alliances. The methods were used: historical critical, analytical and descriptive.


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How to Cite
Pérez Sánchez, B., & Vidal Fócil, A. B. (2019, October 1). Vidanta: an economic group of national capital. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(4), 190-200. Retrieved from