Cultural tourism and the sustainability of tourism organizations in the Region of Madrid

  • Laura Vidal-Serrano Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Beatriz Narbona-Reina Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Nadia Temli-Romero Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Juan Ramón Campos-Blázquez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Cultural tourism, sustainability, tourism organizations, Region of Madrid


This paper proposes an analysis of cultural tourism and the sustainability of tourism organizations in the Region of Madrid (RM). This study encompasses a variety of businesses, including restaurants, hospitality establishments, travel agencies, leisure, sports, or entertainment companies, event or conference companies, museums or exhibition entities, public institutions and/or development associations, as well as tourist guides. The main objective is to assess the degree of sustainability of these organizations across three key dimensions: economic, social, and environmental.

To conduct this research, a quantitative methodology has been employed, relying on a structured questionnaire composed of closed-ended questions that underwent statistical analysis to achieve the main objective. These questions have allowed for the retrieval of pertinent information concerning how these organizations operate within the RM and their relationship with sustainability in its various facets, thereby obtaining a more precise understanding of these companies' positions in terms of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This approach will provide a deeper insight into how these organizations are addressing this concept and whether they are doing so equitably, thus enabling them to contribute effectively to sustainability in the context of cultural tourism in the RM.

In conclusion, this study aims to analyze the relationship between cultural tourism and the sustainability of tourism organizations in the RM, offering a comprehensive view of how these organizations can address the economic, social, and environmental challenges in their pursuit of sustainable tourism development in the region.


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How to Cite
Vidal-Serrano, L., Narbona-Reina, B., Temli-Romero, N., & Campos-Blázquez, J. R. (2024, October 16). Cultural tourism and the sustainability of tourism organizations in the Region of Madrid. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(4), 1-15. Retrieved from