Gastronomic cultural identity: analysis of online communication of gastronomic tourism products

Keywords: Gastronomic tourism, food tourism, touristic promotion, gastronomic identity, stakeholders, marketing


After the growing importance of gastronomic tourism, and the increase in academic works that are trying to define it, this work, after an introduction about defining what is gastronomic tourism and its promotion, pursues the objective of knowing how communication is being carried out in online gastronomic tourism products in the province of Seville, through the analysis of the websites of the main tourist promotion institutions of the territory and including an experience of gastronomic tourism of the same. The selected pages have been three of a public nature - Seville City Council (Consorcio Fe Turismo, now known as Contursa), Diputación Provincial (Prodetur), Carmona City Council - due to the work of institutional tourism promotion they carry out, and the website of a company that offers a gastronomic tourism product in the territory, the Basilippo company. In this way, it has been concluded that there is confusion between what is to promote a destination or gastronomic tourism products and promote only catering services, without further linking to the gastronomic identity of the territory. This work intends, in this way, to contribute not only to the knowledge of this information online in order to be able to compare them with the discourses offered in other communication tools by the agents that operate in the territory but to configure an adequate offer of gastronomic tourism.


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How to Cite
Alonso-Sobrado, D., & Sanz Marcos, P. (2020, April 1). Gastronomic cultural identity: analysis of online communication of gastronomic tourism products. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(2), 384-412. Retrieved from