Cultural route of the urban – fluvial landscape of the guadalquivir river between Cordoba and Seville

  • Nieves Martínez Roldán Universidad de Sevilla (España)
  • Lola Goytia Goyenechea Universidad de Sevilla (España).
Keywords: Guadalquivir, cultural routes, Urban-Fluvial Landscape, Cultural tourism


The Guadalquivir River has been the backbone of population growth and configurator of the territory, especially in the section located between Cordoba and Seville where localities were generated with direct facade to the river, a situation that, as we will demonstrate, was not used by the population to evolve.

The main objective of this work has been to establish what heritage elements should be selected to be part of a Cultural Tourism offer in this section of the Guadalquivir River, especially when it is located between two magnificent cities such as Cordoba and Seville, in order to establish a Cultural Route of the Urban-Fluvial Landscape with which the knowledge of the own history of Andalusia is enhanced.

For this, the methodology that has been followed is the analysis of those elements that are the protagonists of the own history of the localities: the fluvial morphology, the morphogenetic and socioeconomic structure of the territory and localities, the specific patrimonial value of that area, reinforcing the aspects related to ethnological and cultural values, to ensure their disclosure and survival, among others.

The results obtained are clear and conclusive: the situation of oblivion to which these populations have been subjected, is now what makes them true protagonists of an interesting Cultural Route oriented towards a Joint Tourism, where the architectural values ​​coexist, the natural, the archaeological, the industrial and the ethnological, and where you can learn from the past to understand the present and manage the future.

Author Biographies

Nieves Martínez Roldán, Universidad de Sevilla (España)

Doctora Arquitecta Urbanista. ETS Arquitectura. Dpto. Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio

Universidad de Sevilla (España)

Lola Goytia Goyenechea, Universidad de Sevilla (España).

Doctora Arquitecta Urbanista. ETS Arquitectura. Dpto. Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio.

Universidad de Sevilla (España).


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Visores Ortofotos. Consultados en Octubre-Noviembre 2018

Visores: Bing Mapas. , Iberpix. , Pnoa. , IdeAndalucía. y Google Mpas-Street View

Documentos Planeamiento

Plan Especial de Protección del Medio Físico y Catálogo de la Provincia de Córdoba, publicado BOJA 60 de 26 de Marzo.

Plan Especial de Protección del Medio Físico y Catálogo de la Provincia de Sevilla, publicado BOJA 70 de 10 de Abril

Webs. Consultadas en Octubre-Noviembre 2018.

Andalucía Destinos: Alcolea del Río: Historia y Villanueva del Río: Historia

Ayuntamientos: Alcalá del Río , Almodóvar del Río , La Algaba , Ayuntamiento de Posadas: Breve reseña histórica

Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio.

Demarcación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir.

Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico.

Instituto Geográfico Nacional.

Junta de Andalucía: Andalucía, Catálogo de Paisajes de Andalucía, Población de los núcleos

Proyecto Conoce Tus Fuentes.

Turismo y Cultura Peñaflor: Proceso histórico
How to Cite
Martínez Roldán, N., & Goytia Goyenechea, L. (2019, September 17). Cultural route of the urban – fluvial landscape of the guadalquivir river between Cordoba and Seville. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(3), 525-557. Retrieved from