Joining geotourism with cultural tourism: a good blend
The Algarvian coast (Southern Portugal) is known for its beaches. However, many tourists don’t want to spend their whole holidays only at the beach, so cultural tourism can fill a gap together with natural tourism. Important branches of natural tourism of Algarve are bird-watching and guided tours, which may include visits to geologically interesting sites (Geotourism). These activities are aimed to people with sporting and scientific interests.
Algarve has a big potential for Geotourism due to the large number of geologically interesting places and areas. Geotouristic activities joined with the observation or visit of cultural, mainly vernacular subjects (for instance: terraces and cultural landscapes, agricultural and ethnological traditions, villages) result in a more complete touristic offer than each part isolated and can be done all over the year. The creation of a Geopark by UNESCO, for instance, includes both natural and cultural heritage.
Like the cultural heritage, the geological heritage should be valorized by tracking paths for hiking with information tables, guided visits, folders and so on, to be disseminated by the tourist information offices, apps, new technologies, hotels and other touristic installations. When touristic activities lead to a better knowledge of the natural and cultural sites, their conservation may be easier, because the local residents are getting conscious about their value. Regular visits of the sites are used to control their condition. Thus, Geotourism and cultural tourism contribute to the preservation of the geological heritage and the landscape, which is also an environmental and cultural heritage.
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