Creative tourism and opportunities for world heritage cities and magical towns in mexico

  • Mónica Solórzano Gil ITESO Jesuit University of Guadalajara
Keywords: Traditional tourism, world heritage, magical towns, creative tourism, diversification, creativity


Mexico is privileged in that it has 35 listed UNESCO World Heritage sites which are important touristic resources, these include cities, natural (nature) and mixed sites. Additionally, it has 6 UNESCO Creative Cities and 121 "Magical Towns" along with other destinations. All of this cultural and patrimonial richness evidences the need to strengthen their protection and preservation, not only the physical condition of the sites, but also their intangible value. Those values are manifested through diverse activities; customs and traditions, local celebrations, gastronomy, music, traditional dance, crafts, etc. This preservation can contribute, at the same time, to foment diverse creative sectors and the use of diversity is used to encourage, in conjunction with their heritage values, and the advancement of activities pertaining to the development of creative tourism and the promotion of an economy based on said creativity.

This preservation can simultaneously contribute to the advancement of diverse creative sectors and the use of diversity, in conjunction with its heritage values, to develop activities for the promotion of creative tourism and the strengthening of an economy based on such creativity.

Through an analysis and initial reflection on traditional tourism, this article will try to establish some guidelines of current tourism dynamics, and with this, propose some strategies so that tourist sites and destinations can move from traditional tourism models to models of creative tourism. This is to design strategies to diversify the tourist offer of existing destinations and integrate local cultures, as actors and beneficiaries of this type of tourism, valuing their customs, traditions and local identity, and thus contribute to complement the traditional tourist offer of destinations in Mexico.

Author Biography

Mónica Solórzano Gil, ITESO Jesuit University of Guadalajara

ITESO Jesuit University of Guadalajara


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How to Cite
Solórzano Gil, M. (2019, July 1). Creative tourism and opportunities for world heritage cities and magical towns in mexico. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(3), 44-64. Retrieved from