The tourism student as a fire preventive monitor in ecological reserves through artificial intelligence, Case el Angel

  • Genoveva Quelal-Mora Universidad de Guayaquil
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), tourism student, El Angel Ecological Reserve, automation, arsonist, forest fire, forest fire prevention, prevention


This reflection article has aimed to identify how jobs related to tourism have been replaced by robots, therefore, in the face of these changes, the opportunity for employability opens up for the preventive care of ecological reserves, with El Ángel being of great importance. conservation, as an important supplier of water to the province of Carchi.

The results of the study have shown some Artificial Intelligence alternatives that other countries have implemented to protect the world's forests.  

The conclusions of this study indicate that the year 2024 takes first place in the number of hectares burned, compared to the last fourteen years.  That there is a lack of greater emphasis and direction for Tourism graduates to support the protection of Ecuadorian ecological resources, with AI. Tourism being important for conservation and inversely.


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How to Cite
Quelal-Mora, G. (2025, February 17). The tourism student as a fire preventive monitor in ecological reserves through artificial intelligence, Case el Angel. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 8(1), 77-88. Retrieved from