Immersive Attractions: Visitors Experiences in Light and Sound shows

  • Karuna Subedi Tribhuvan University
Keywords: visitors experience, tourism, tourist attractions, light and sound shows, satisfaction


The advent of technology has revolutionized the tourism industry with light and sound shows appearing as prominent night attraction in many cities. Despite the growing popularity very few studies exist on these shows and visitor experiences in such shows. So, this phenomenological research is aimed at understanding the influential elements in shaping tourist's satisfaction during light and sound shows. This research also identifies the likelihood of recommending such shows to others. A mixed research approach with thematic and sentiment analysis of 228 travel reviews of shows from France, Australia, India, Singapore and Egypt is conducted. The findings suggest that shows from Australia and Singapore provided higher satisfaction leading to higher rate of recommendation. Meanwhile, shows from Egypt and India are criticized for outdated technology, poor narration and disorganization. The findings also reveal that although audio/visual effects are prime element of the show, visitors equally evaluated other components like hospitality, management, storyline that shaped the overall experience. This research has both theoretical and practical implications as it contributes significantly to the knowledge of commercially driven attractions, especially related with nighttime tourism; as well as has practical implications to businesses, policy makers and destination management organizations.


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How to Cite
Subedi, K. (2025, March 21). Immersive Attractions: Visitors Experiences in Light and Sound shows. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 8(1), 98-112. Retrieved from